The responses view feature allows you to analyze the responses you have collected. You might want to see how a particular respondent answered. Let's see how to view results for individual respondents.

Responses is the number of answers provided by the people who answered your questionnaire.
In this guide we'll cover how to:
- Access the Responses view
- View All Responses
- View Response Details
- Add columns to the table of Responses
1. Access the Responses view
There are two ways to access the Results. You can click on the responses icon on the Home screen, or click the Results tab when you are editing your questionnaire.
Once you are viewing Results, click the Responses tab.
2. View All Responses
In this view, you see every response including the Intro fields if you have used those, the date and time, and the time that had been required to complete the questionnaire.

Upload the respondents upfront and send them a personalized link using the URL parameters, so you will be able to search by respondents.

The response time shown, is the time at the time zone of the device the survey was taken on.
3. View Response Details
Find the response you want to see the responses for. You can find it by scrolling down, or you can use the search bar to search by name or email.

Click on the circled icon to view details of a specific response. You could also delete specific responses by clicking X.
You will see a detailed view of the response showing all answers.
While you are viewing an individual response, you can download that response by clicking Download and then selecting Session detail PDF, and clicking Download.
To delete multiple responses, check the box next to the responses and click Delete selected responses.
4. Add columns to the table of Responses
Just follow these steps and you can easily add more information to the table showing individual responses.
- In the Responses view, click Options
- Click Add widgets, the last option on the list of dashboard options
- Click the orange Add widget button
- Select widget type Custom Results by Respondent table
- Name your widget
- Choose to add as many extra columns as you want, by clicking the + button
- You can choose to sort the column by low to high or high to low. Default is without sorting
- Click Save and close and you're done
- Head back to the responses view and you will be able to see the changes made

Add columns to the table of Responses feature is available only for the Enterprise and ReportR plans.
What's next?
Once you set up the Responses View, you will want to take a look at the following:
- Charts view: allows you to monitor the number of responses, the completion rate, and the average duration of your surveys. You can also see graphical representations of the results of each question separately and the results of each question block of your survey.
- Insights view: contains various details and information about the survey, according to your settings. Insights view allows you to monitor a range of metrics that give you information about performance, platforms, browsers, views, and completion rate.
- Presentation view, to use your results in a presentation. You can easily switch between questions and show the answers and graphs in a clean and visual way to your audience. You can also use it when you are polling your audience at an event and show the live results as they come in.