Our online Distribution Portal endows you with a great opportunity: to sell your assessments as valuable digital products, to a maximized audience. As a consultant, coach or agency, you want to deliver quality advice to as many customers as possible and Distribution Portal allows you to plug into e-commerce websites through the magic of our developers’ application programming interface (better known as API).

The DistributR Plan is a subscription package that includes the entire suite of Pointerpro products: Questionnaire Software, Report Builder, and Distribution Portal. Access the full feature list of the DistributR plan here.
Distribution Portal
The Distribution Portal is a feature included in the DistributR Plan. It allows for seamless assessment and report distribution by utilizing three different access levels: the admin zone, the customer zone, and the contact zone.
This guide will teach you about:
1. Custom account activation emails
1. Custom account activation emails
We offer the possibility to create custom activation emails to send a personalized activation email to new users. On the My Teams page, click on the View User Invitations button.
Then click Add Invitation.
Add the name of the invitation for your personal reference, the email subject, and the email body. Make sure you use the variables (by clicking on the {x} button) to insert the activation link. Click on the Create Invitation button when you're ready to save the invitation.
You can select which invitation mail to send when creating a new user account in My Team.
2. Questionnaire settings
As an administrator, you can add an extra description to questionnaires. This could help your Distribution Portal users to understand what your questionnaire is about or what report they can expect at the end. To modify it, open your questionnaire, and add a description at the top of the Questions tab.
This description will be visible to Contacts when they log in to the Contact Zone of the Distribution Portal.
Your Customers will see this description in the Questionnaires and Results tabs in the Customer Zone of the Distribution Portal.
Under the Extra Options of your questionnaire, you can configure which Invitation variables (links) are allowed to be used for that questionnaire. We recommend you only enable the ones that are relevant to each specific questionnaire. Note that we strongly recommend the use of the Clickable link with unique ID. Highlighted variables will always be shown on top.
Under the Share options, you can set an Invitation template for the selected questionnaire. When this setting is configured, this template will be loaded when creating a new invitation or campaign for this questionnaire. Doing so reduces the work for your users and reduces the risk of mistakes. Users can still alter the email subject and body before scheduling the invitation or campaign. Note that this template is not loaded when sending a single invitation for multiple questionnaires.
3. Pre-configure campaigns (Optional)
As an administrator, you have the flexibility to determine whether their customers can independently create their assessment distribution campaigns within the Customer Zone or are required to use pre-configured campaigns created by the administrators.
In the Distribution tab, you can have an overview of the campaigns.
Clicking into these campaigns, you can adjust the configuration. Your customers can select these campaigns in the Customer Zone so they don't have to create the campaigns from scratch. In this way, you can ensure the consistency and structure of the campaigns sent out by your customers.
What is next?
- When you've collected your results and you want to download them, there are different download options available. You can either download a bulk of survey results or choose to download files relating to individual responses. Read our guide Download your results to learn how you can do it.
- Require Contact is a feature that allows you to control who can access your survey and makes the questionnaire only accessible to contacts. If validation fails, the participant is not able to fill in the survey but a configurable message will be displayed instead.
- Do not forget to monitor your results with Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a freemium web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google Analytics is currently the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet.