Widget items: filters

The Dashboard Builder has more than 50 built in charts and widget items for you to use. You can easily pick the items and insert them into your dashboards.



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In this article, we will focus on the following filter widgets:

  1. Date filter
  2. Slider filter
  3. Dropdown filter
  4. Slicer filter
  5. Horizontal slicer filter
  6. Table slicer filter
  7. Rank slicer filter

Filter widgets are interactive widgets that can be added to the dashboard to slice and dice the data. You can find these filters by clicking the + Add item button on your Dashboard Builder. 

1. Date filter

The Date filter object allows you to specify date ranges. Either a custom date range can be specified or a common period can be selected, for example "Today" or "This month".

The only type of data you can insert in this filter are dates/time like years, months or days.

Common data to use here: 

  • Response submission time (server_date_completed in your Response dataset)

You can click on the filter widget after adding a column to it, which results in a pop-up screen containing a calendar. At the left side of this calendar are several options as well for selecting a predefined time period, like ‘last 30 days’. The charts in your dashboard will adapt immediately after choosing the desired time range or time period.

2. Slider filter

The slider filter creates a visual representation of a range of data. On each side it has a kind of ‘handle’ which you can drag (or slide) and select a custom range of values. As such the dashboard (or a specific chart) will be filtered to only show data from the selected range.

Common data types to use here:

  • Date/time
  • Numeric values

The column added to it defines the displayed range of numeric values available for filtering. The minimum value will be displayed as the left ‘handle’ and the maximum value will be as the right ‘handle’. Clicking on the center 'bar' allows you to move both the maximum and minimum at the same time.

Example: Date/time filter based on the response completion date

Example: Risk level filter based on the formula results from the responses

The dropdown filter is a dropdown list of values you can search from and select to filter your data.

Common data types to use here:

  • Teams: If you ask the respondent to select which team they belong to. e.g. Marketing, Sales, Operations
  • Location: If you ask the respondent to select their location.
  • Any categories that you have set up in your questionnaire

Example: Location dropdown filter based on respondent's selection on the intro screen

4. Slicer filter

When using slicer filter widget, data is visualized as a list of values with a tick box next to each value. In this manner you are in full control of the data you want to see and analyze. You can easily select or unselect a certain value and slice the data.

Common data types to use here:

  • Teams: If you ask the respondent to select which team they belong to. e.g. Marketing, Sales, Operations
  • Location: If you ask the respondent to select their location.
  • Any categories that you have set up in your questionnaire

Example: Location slicer filter based on respondent's selection on the intro screen

5. Horizontal slicer filter

The horizontal slicer filter is similar to the regular slicer filter, but different in the layout.

Example: Location horizontal slicer filter based on respondent's selection on the intro screen

6. Table slicer filter

The table slicer filter is similar to the regular slicer filter, but different in the layout.

Example: Location table slicer filter based on respondent's selection on the intro screen

7. Rank slicer filter

Rank slicer is an advanced version of the slicer filter. Rank slicer has an additional data label as such you can order values inside the filter based on a measure of your choice.

The rank bar can also be used as a target tracker for each value - so you have a clear view of how you are doing compared to your set goals.

Example: Location rank slicer filter based on respondent's selection on the intro screen

In this screenshot, you can see that there's no data dropped on the Measure label yet. Therefore, the number you see on the right hands side on the bars suggest the number of responses per region.

Now, I can drop the risk level (formula result) data on the Measure label. Now the metrics displayed are the average risk level formula result per region.

Since it's a rank slider filter, you can display the data by ranking.

Click the "settings" icon next to this widget. On the right hand side on the screen you can adjust the order of the values displayed on this rank slicer filter.

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