Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the loyalty that exists between a provider and a consumer. The provider can be a company, employer, or any other entity. The provider is the entity that is asking the questions on the survey. The consumer is the customer, employee, or respondent to an NPS survey.


Want to know your brand's Net Promoter Score? Use this question type to find out your score.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)- Net Promoter Score (NPS) example

This guide will teach you:

  1. Add an NPS Question
  2. Change the general question settings
  3. Edit the question
  4. Adjust your slider
  5. Results

1. Add an NPS Question

In the Questions tab, click the button ? Questions. Select NPS from the list of question types. Click Add.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)- add a NPS question

2. Change the general question settings

Net Promoter Score (NPS)- change the general question settings

  1. Hide/show the question settings.
  2. Change the question order.
  3. Change question type.
  4. Make the question active/inactive.
  5. Lock/unlock the question to be edited by other team members.
  6. Copy, Delete, or Preview that particular question.

3. Edit the question

If you're short on time, all you need to do is add your company name as the [BRAND] and you're good to go! If you want to make other changes, keep reading to see how you can edit the question and answer options.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)- edit the question

  1. Edit your question here. Use the rich text editor icons to change the text to bold, italics, or use your company's colors and change the font size.  
  2. Click Add media or Add YouTube video to upload images or videos to make your questionnaire more entertaining. The file needs to be under 2MB. To add a YouTube video, paste a YouTube link after you've clicked the Add YouTube video button.

  3. Make the question mandatory - turn this feature on to require respondents to answer the question before moving to the next question.
  4. Add a question tag - turn this feature to add a tag to your question that you can reference in your survey or PDF.

4. Adjust your slider

The scoring for an slider is from 0 to 10 and this is set up for you already, but you can add labels to make it clearer for respondents.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)- adjust slider

  1. Low end label - give a text label to the low end value. This can be "0" or a text such as "I won't recommend the brand."
  2. High end label - give a text label to the high end value, this can be "10" or a text such as "Your brand will be our next conversation topic."
  3. Start position value - set the value where the button on your slider will begin.
  4. Prefix/Suffix - These values will show on the left and the right of the slider button.
  5. Show interval - toggle this button to display the values on the slider.
  6. Add a 'not applicable'-answer - toggle this button and an answer option Not applicable will be automatically shown at the bottom of the answer options. 
  7. Show the selected value - Activate this button to show the selected number right above the slider. If this feature is switched off, the indicated answer won't show on the slider and if the respondent has selected a number beside the highest or lowest of the scale, they will be unable to see which answer they selected.
  8. Add a text box to specify or leave an extra comment - turn this on to add your own text to ask respondents to give more information.
  9. Add button to upload an extra image file - This feature allows the respondents to upload their own image files. You can use this feature to make the survey more engaging.

5. Results

The results of an NPS Question will look different from the other question types. They are presented according to the theory of the Net Promoter Score.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)- NPS results example

What's next?

  • Open-Ended questions contain a text box in which respondents can formulate their own answers. It can help you see things from a respondent's perspective, as they give you feedback in their own words. It is mostly used to get raw and uninfluenced opinions and information, as It can not be answered with a simple "yes", "no", or any one-word answer.
  • Rating questions are question types that ask a respondent to rate a product or service. There a lot of different formats you can use, like Star, Emoji, or Smiley ranking.
  • A text slider is a type of rating question. Rating questions are used to get a clear view of how well you're doing or how someone likes your product, service, or business. This question type displays the statements on a scale from one side to another, so respondents can decide which statement they most closely relate to or agree with.
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