File Upload is the perfect way to get the extra documents you require from your respondent, like a work history, an agenda or the yearly numbers.

File upload question enables the user to upload files from his computer directly inside the survey.
In this guide we'll discuss:
1. Add a File Upload question
In the Questions tab, click the button ?Questions Select File Upload from the list of question types and click Add question.
Now that you've added the File Upload question, you can change the general question settings and edit the question.
2. Change the general question settings
- Hide/show the question settings.
- Change the question order.
- Change question type.
- Make the question active/inactive.
- Lock/unlock the question to be edited by other team members.
- Copy, Delete or Preview that particular question.
3. Edit the question
- Add your question here. Want to know how to make your text larger or change the color? Click here and learn about custom CSS.
- Click Add media or Add YouTube video to upload images or videos to make your questionnaire more entertaining. The file needs to be under 2MB. To add a YouTube video, paste a YouTube link after you've clicked the Add YouTube video button.
- Make the question mandatory - toggle the button to require respondents to answer the question before moving to the next question.
- Add a question tag - turn this feature to add a tag to your question that you can reference in your survey or PDF.

Your respondents can upload files that are maximum 2 MB. The supported file types are .pdf, .docx, .txt, .csv, .xslx, .doc .xls and .mp3
You can toggle the button so that a Not applicable option will be automatically added. If you want to ask respondents to leave a comment, toggle to turn on Add a text box to specify or leave an extra comment and a box will appear underneath your question.

To change the text of the button label and upload messages, head to Labels and messages in Extra options.
Here's an example of how the respondent will see this type of question.
What's next?
- Add Media to your questionnaire. Upload an image, video, GIF, or audio file to make your questionnaire more entertaining. Respondents will be more likely to go all the way to the end of your questionnaire if you add something besides just the plain text question and answers.
- Add a signature question to collect the respondent's signature as part of the questionnaire! It's a really useful feature and here are some ideas for when you can use it: if you want to gain signed consent before continuing the survey, for filling out a petition via a form, or even as part of signing up for a promotion or course while answering the survey.
- Check your responses view to analyze the responses you have collected, how a particular respondent answered, the last slide and last question when save per question or save and continue is enabled. This is where device data and properties are included, if data collection setting is enabled.